toramai Three years after the tsunami, the tiger spirit hasn't been washed away.

"Tora-mai" (tiger dance) exhibition by

Mayumi Hirata and Horiren First

Thursday 13th   -  Wednesday 19th  March 2014

5th Base Gallery,

23 Heneage Street, E1 5LJ

(off Brick Lane)



This collaboration exhibition includes documentary photographs, videos of the tiger dance,installations of actual costumes and powerful tiger art on Japanese traditional hanging scrolls. By supporting the traditional folk performing arts in Otsuchi, Iwate prefecture, it will also encourage tourism in developing area.


The North Eastern coast of Japan was hit by 8.9 magnitude earthquake on 11 March 2011 and many of the affected areas are yet to be re-built. 


They lost everything, but the tiger dance kept them alive, you need passion for living and the reason to be there.